May 31, 2011

Your car being tossed into the air does not make it a Transformer, it just sucks to be you right now..

ooh, awkward... but true.
though I don't know how many cars are just thrown.. but I didn't do it. Though I could, I pump iron, bro.
File:Iron.gif get it? like a pro

having a fun summer?!!! Hail noh. I haven't done anything, and it's super hot. 

beeter than school. 

you make the joystick in my pants go up,up, down,down, left, right, left, right, B,  A Start
 I don't know, did it hurt, that on the way I fell down, I slid on your head, and rugburned half of your hair off? 

wooyoungninja nawh, vagina breath. like a Vinhja HUAHUAHUAHUAHUAHUA

 Roses are #FF0000, violets are #0000FF. Git n3kkid.

√-1) 2-2sinθ ∫du
√-1) = i
2-2sinθ = cardiod graph
∫du = u 
GET it?!!!!!
 blahblahblah, go clean the floor.

so i got an A on my English test, yo!!!!!!!
imagebut they wanted to give me an 80.

that, and i made cookies. :D
 they tasted like paper.. awesome sugar paper. 
the end.
nomnomnom rice.
  back to basics. :)

1 comment:

  1. hey..
    guess what?
    i heard you suck, and your socks are homosexual. haha ^_^
