May 5, 2011


den den dennn~ den den dennn!

Biker can suck a dick. My dick... cuz he suh secsyy!!..
=.= no, cuz he is a d00sh. Fuck you and your emo potato, hit mon-lee. Bitch.

FUCK YOU AND YOUR KICKING!!!! Lee is my hitler. 

Played it on my '69, yo,.... which is just a cool way of saying I stoles it from the Internet, and put it on my HP. 
we can dance all night long. >:3
But it'll be nekkid, and look like this,

So, I feel like #tagging, because that is the hippest thing to do now. 
D: awh I missed the fad.. 

shit. now who make me mah foodz?!1!?!?1/!?!?!?!?!?1.1/!? Mrs. Pacman? Lazy whore.
so this is where she has been hiding.. hmm.... this is attractive, and infected... Nom.nom.nom.

WHOA! LD Guess what I found?! It's going to make someone cry. :]

DaYum, I'm bored. Someone help me with my profile coding. SOMEONE who won't let me steal her v1d30 g@m35 doesn't have time for her boyfriend...
WHY DUN YOO LUV MII?!?!?!?!?!?!
 I can help you with that;.. it also works for headaches ;)

...ME. You wanna share it? <3

OHMAIGawsh!!! i had the best idea!!!
:D... I lost it...


nomnomnom rice. 

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