May 19, 2011

Mom, Dad..So, I'm Pregnant.

skype is my friend. (heart) Friend embarassment! :D
 Yarly. ;3

 I feel fine, though some people fallin' SAL-TEE
I would share, but..

awh.. :/ 

 i wish. Engrish is a bitch. Can't I just speak in grunts, and get an A? Everyone else diz it.
-.-" pout tah paunch a beetch in dah fayce, lil' ho lissen tah jussin beebr.
Made by:
 this lil' bitch on dah wess siddeee!!! :D :D :D
-,-" awh, i'm not pho-nny. ^A^~ (get it, get it? Cuz I don't. Someone plz xplain...)
but I am....
 can you feel it? :D OH! I think I felt my lip twich with joy!

 so guess waht? yup! found out my fone has the nets, so expect more of dese! ..also during the sumemr, when I go to visit famiry in washingtoooonnn!!!!!!!!!!!
dun dis that shit, it's nice, and cold. I dig the cold. n w n

 he don't get pissed when I make a joke about his ugly hair, and log off skype, and he pointy! Use.full!

hmm.. FUCKYEAHKPOPMACROSdin't think sao.


nomnomnom rice. 
 i'm out. 

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