May 4, 2011

Unzip your pants ladies, the party's arrived.

The Keh Vinh -nites are growing! :D You shall all be called.... Keh Vinh-jas... get it? Kevin/ninja? It's clever... and I consider you all part of the HUA family. HONAH BESTOWED UPON YOU!!!

What are you other loohzers waiting for?

I work hard dammit! I DESERVE B00BIES!!~ X.X it's not fair. Even dis ho gets 'em, and she is so greedy, she wants more. Nuh uh bitch, they mines.

 I don't know what is in the water here, but people need to STOP DRINKING IT. supah ugly girls make me go

please stop disgracing me wif yo ugree!! Girl, eef yo fac rook rike dis, for the sake of Kevin, stay the fack away from me, cuz you are scaring my baby.

JunHo knows what I am saying!

Yes. I'm pregnant. I didn't want you to find out this way; I just felt it one day. Kinda how your mom felt you in there, just moving around, staking territory?
HEY. STFU. Don't hate, cuz I'm knocked up, and people have to deal with that uglee egg shaped thing attached to your head. Oh wait......
this is true shit. Bee tee dubs, the one girl in my fan club, :D much :D.

now i know you are probably like,

but guess what honey? It doesn't.

I am; this little kindergartner prostitute never called me back; so I have to go punch her in the mouth and buy a lunchable.

What was the moral of today, you little bastards?



nomnomnom rice. 

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