May 11, 2011


:( everyone around me is so sad today.
what the hell? Stop crying you pansies.
 I'm here now, and my hugs are on a 2-for-1 discount. ;)
O: are you guys crying cuz of kidnappers?
 don't worry, I'll call.. someone! :D
 and they'll be like
 back up hao.
 uhn, you think YOU have a chance?
O.O O.O O.O @O.O@ <- heh.
 oh my turn? chyeah.

and then you'll be like,
 uuuuuuuuuuhm, okah! :D

....i know why eze is suh shad...
and I can help yoooouuuuu!!!!!!!!!!! <3
 lol you had it coming, you ovenmitt.

eef u feel sahd, caal meh, weee can kyck eet. like a bucket.

nomnomnom rice. 

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