May 7, 2011

Get cho shelf oba here!

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"Your sexy back Dongwoon is making my ovaries want you..."

So I am finally here! :D 
you know what that means?
 this whole town is goin' down.
but it takes alot of effort to write all this, because in all honesty, 
you said it, kid. Kudoz. 
I don't even rembre how I got heree. 

as if i honestly even started. 

nao one wunted to kish me! DK and I brought money this time. Damnit, Jen! You will get into my pants!! 
racvist, yo. 
I dream of sexy moment time, like this. 
 or not. eh. I'll keep practicing on your mom until you come around. 
 hehe i'm phunny. with a q.

 if anyone ever tells waht happened there.
But, wanna hear a funny story?

so I was like kk Kevin looks like a cute little puppy here :))
and eze was like kk Kevin looks like a cute little puppy here :))
and then I crashed into a parking bumpp (aa lampost?)
and i was like 
she freaked out and said 
and i decided to hide from my parents because now i am
so jen was like "hey i'll use a bat and beat the dents out." and i was like

but it worked, and i was like

and she was like hell yeah ~

and i said

..kinda. that did happen, and eze got called a boy, and she was like
LOL Dongho <3 cuz someone thought we were ghey.
 so cute :Dcan't you pretend?
haha, Kiseop :)

*if you reblog or like any of my posts, i’d really appreciate it if you’d follow me as well. :) & feel free to request anything! :) * and long., like my d---dog.

nomnomnom rice. 

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