May 31, 2011

Your car being tossed into the air does not make it a Transformer, it just sucks to be you right now..

ooh, awkward... but true.
though I don't know how many cars are just thrown.. but I didn't do it. Though I could, I pump iron, bro.
File:Iron.gif get it? like a pro

having a fun summer?!!! Hail noh. I haven't done anything, and it's super hot. 

beeter than school. 

you make the joystick in my pants go up,up, down,down, left, right, left, right, B,  A Start
 I don't know, did it hurt, that on the way I fell down, I slid on your head, and rugburned half of your hair off? 

wooyoungninja nawh, vagina breath. like a Vinhja HUAHUAHUAHUAHUAHUA

 Roses are #FF0000, violets are #0000FF. Git n3kkid.

√-1) 2-2sinθ ∫du
√-1) = i
2-2sinθ = cardiod graph
∫du = u 
GET it?!!!!!
 blahblahblah, go clean the floor.

so i got an A on my English test, yo!!!!!!!
imagebut they wanted to give me an 80.

that, and i made cookies. :D
 they tasted like paper.. awesome sugar paper. 
the end.
nomnomnom rice.
  back to basics. :)

May 30, 2011

The wrap of life

Let me make something clear, little Vinhjas...

created by omokikwang derp. ;3

but being serial, I got hit with a fish. :O
Created by lattae- by mama hwa.

listen. dew naut heet yer faverite son weef anything but tuna.

killer jacket though. "I sometimes feel like superman..who has a vagina" ah, memories.
created by parkkim in my peni--pocket? :D

made by wannaruu :/ it's 2%.
oh hey, remember my pink shit? righhhhtt.. well, I gave it to my cousin, who cut it all up. -.-

now she's a pink whore.

May 27, 2011

finna get the beatdowwwn!

so all my shit is pink. :/

not my actual shit, my gear.

stupid ho put red in my white, know what that makes boys and girls? :D

it's not the dumb ho who put my shit in there, datz my mom, she dah homey.


it's the dicknose who put his red soccer tee in with my shit.
 wouldn't you be?
peenk don't work on dis.

you know waht has to happen to if I wear pink.
 whoa whoa d00d, kalm dowwn. No. seriously, don't break shit.


i know where you live, and I'm kickin your ass.
 this button needs to be real, and explode shite.. little asian brothers to be specific.


im too mad to even make a comment. or use correcqt ghramm3r. 

May 25, 2011


I'm done!!!!

the only words this needs are fuq ya

man hug time!
Image Hosted by soooo nottt ghheyyy...>.>

i keed, i keyed. But chyeah, I slept in, and it was aw3s0m3, now I'm trying to figure how this strange shit called internets workds.

 i wan to. i want make it awesome.

I'm pretty sure I failed, but its chill br4h.
 i try. :3
Fuck summer plans, Im just gonna walk around nekk1d for 4 months. O.O

oh I'm sawry. Did I offend?
 suck it up. Pussay.

 I'm getting chikn.

May 23, 2011

girlonthefloor.GIRLS ON THE FLOOR!

i might:

  • go see Skrillex. Keep a look out! :D #hart

  • invest in a tumblr, so I can use # the right way.

  • get off my ass and get a job.. (chyeah, right)

  • stop talking with macros.

  • become popular. OwO It's all I ever dreamed!! 

That's why her hair's so big, it's full of secrets!
Boo, you whore.

  • get on asianinthelibrarryyy!!!!!!!!!! :D Fuck yeah, sleeping asians get hot chicks. 
 you know what I'm thinking? You know what I'm thinking.

 ching.chong.ling.long.long.dong. Let's all go eat dog with mah secksee qurlfrennnddd!!!! :| kevin is not amused.

And on the third day, God created the Remington bolt-action rifle, so that Man could fight the dinosaurs. And the homosexuals. Amen.

nomnomnom rice. 
fuck my duck, i only have two days left of school. YYYYYYYYYYYAAAAAAAYYYYYYYY

May 22, 2011

Keep on Dancin' Till the World Ends..

so sick of that damn song!!! D:

I Went out..

I got druhnk!
with all my phrend.

we got fuckkked up.
so hungova,
 slept til tree.

 now I have my ap bio test tomarrow

fuck me. 

the faces of infinite V2 ♡  (。´‿`。) (^▽^) (⌒‿⌒) (๏ㅂ๏) ( ๑°Д°๑) (´・_・) (。◕‿◕。)
 new signature? :D 

May 19, 2011

Mom, Dad..So, I'm Pregnant.

skype is my friend. (heart) Friend embarassment! :D
 Yarly. ;3

 I feel fine, though some people fallin' SAL-TEE
I would share, but..

awh.. :/ 

 i wish. Engrish is a bitch. Can't I just speak in grunts, and get an A? Everyone else diz it.
-.-" pout tah paunch a beetch in dah fayce, lil' ho lissen tah jussin beebr.
Made by:
 this lil' bitch on dah wess siddeee!!! :D :D :D
-,-" awh, i'm not pho-nny. ^A^~ (get it, get it? Cuz I don't. Someone plz xplain...)
but I am....
 can you feel it? :D OH! I think I felt my lip twich with joy!

 so guess waht? yup! found out my fone has the nets, so expect more of dese! ..also during the sumemr, when I go to visit famiry in washingtoooonnn!!!!!!!!!!!
dun dis that shit, it's nice, and cold. I dig the cold. n w n

 he don't get pissed when I make a joke about his ugly hair, and log off skype, and he pointy! Use.full!

hmm.. FUCKYEAHKPOPMACROSdin't think sao.


nomnomnom rice. 
 i'm out.