Jun 21, 2011

Yah feel meh?

Planes planes planes. Planes are shit.
 you know hu u  missed

stepping on dah plane with a teddy unda the arm. submitted by Dafferdoodlez
all the attendants be like
 i know i know.
its my haircut; its a short skirt magnet.

i'm keednq. i ain't evn trippin, cuz i aint dur. still cold; still skiing and shit. haha. i lied. i am grounded on vaca now though; got a ceeeeeee!!!!! D:
 well fuck you; your eyes too small foh me. >:D /meanmeanmean
eye am juss being salty; :[ i almost failed engrish, so..yeah.
so it doesn't count! :3
created by madebymina v.v yeah. i know. i know.

nothing more attractive that looking at that sexy ass figure covered in parkas, and then you realize; it's me! :D:D :D:D <3

(c)ohhreynawell it aint free; be like that d00d in the back; hollah at cho boy.

 split him in half, and stick him to a wall? 0.0
oh...yeah... elevator... right... >.> <.< that's what I said too.

 okay i'm leaving. I just wanted to act like I was cool but typetypeing on thine ipad.
nomnomnom rice. :) :) :) (:

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