May 6, 2011


yo. dammit, I'm tired as a bitch...
so check this out, I found this really cool thing called WI-Fi..... it keeps me from jumping off a building when I talk to old people!! !:D :D : D jerk.

see? this cool guy knows what I am tlaking about. :) I'd marry him if it wasn't so dishonahable.

 .. SO I dun sleep, I just creep on the internet, and act like I'm cool by posting on shit no one reads...
LIKE YOUR DAD!!!! (dundunduuuuunnnn)

W00T~ Packing up my sheet, in a couple hours, going to go drive to this shit hole town, to visit some lame hoes, and go to cinco de mayo.
swear to oprah, if they ditch me... AGAIN...

because the people I hang out with are stupid and poor.


ho shiiittt..... I think I now have a little sister. My little brother fell... (read slowly now, don't hurt yourself) UP the steps, and hurt his balls, and he is now jumping up and down screaming, holding his, ahem, "junk." His voice is HIGH, and fucking annoying.
 and wtuh that, I'm out. See yah soon, ST.L!

awhhh.... :(

ahem, sorry. I licked a shoe and now I have herpes.

nomnomnom rice. 

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